What are Your People Capable of?

Business owners may realise they need to invest in their marketing and sales people, to maximise their capabilities. But identifying skills gaps and prioritising development is never easy, particularly when budgets are tight. The simplest way to do this is to conduct a ‘skills gap analysis’ on your sales and marketing team to identify the appropriate training required to justify …

Case Study – Eclipse Legal Solutions: “How we used training to boost our business”

The way an organisation communicates with its employees, and how employees communicate with each other, has gone up on the agenda of many organisations who now understand that engaging their people is crucial to business success. But how can companies use internal communications to turn strategy into action, and ensure that the energies and enthusiasm of their employees all point …

5 ways to develop your Sales and Marketing team (and give your profits a boost!)

In an increasingly competitive and ever-changing business environment, high-quality sales training is essential to optimise your people’s performance and maintain a competitive edge in your industry. We’re taking a look at how you can develop your team using training. “A motivated team will climb the mountains that un-motivated teams don’t even look at” 1.    Review skills gaps and performance …

Can Harmony Exist between your Sales and Marketing Teams?

It’s obvious that Sales and Marketing teams should work together. But at so many companies, that just doesn’t happen and the ‘war’ between the Sales and Marketing department can cause real problems. We’ve outlined some of the key issues Sales and Marketing teams face when working together, with some practical tips on how to get sales and marketing working together …

How to get the most from exhibitions and tradeshows

Trade Show Marketing Trade show marketing is said to be the ‘biggest marketing expenditure’ for B2B businesses, accounting for an average of 16% of total marketing spend – which is more than online, email, print or direct marketing put together! So as  ‘exhibition season’ is officially here, and with all the planning, resources and money spent on exhibitions and tradeshows, …

Sales & Marketing In Focus: Why You Need to Invest in CPD

No matter how established your people are in their careers, there should always be room for continuing professional development (CPD) to encourage personal and career progression – and help take your business to the next level. Continuing professional development (CPD) basically means ‘updating and improving your knowledge and skills throughout your working life’. It might seem simple – but it’s …

Financial Training – the next big thing in leadership & management training

Leadership & Management Training   Leadership and management training is well understood in the UK with many fantastic providers who deliver outstanding results in this field for their clients. Leaders and managers can have the best inter-personal skills in the world, with the ability to motivate and inspire masses, whilst also being brilliant at what they do, be that sales, …

The Benefits of In-House Training Courses & How to Choose the Right One

Businesses around the world are providing their employees with in-house training courses as there are many benefits for both the business and the employees. When a business invests in training, the training provider should work closely with their client, in this case, the business and understand their exact needs. This is to ensure that the client and the employees receive …