Business Planning For Success

Business Planning For Success

At a recent Alternative Finance conference being run by the ACCA in London, I was astonished to learn that around 75% of businesses who approach forms of alternative finance, such as crowd-funding and peer to peer lending, are rejected purely because of a poor business plan. 75%!!

If you are one of the minority 25% who have produced robust business plans and consequently successfully raised finance, very well done!

For the remaining majority, I can assure you, business planning is not rocket science and you too can learn the skills of producing a successful plan. In fact, let’s make it our mission to change these stats and get 75% of you obtaining funding as a result of a healthy business plan rather than 25%!

Your plan needs to be simple, specific, realistic and complete. It needs to cover all the key areas investors are interested in including an executive summary, a description of your business and what it does, an analysis of your marketplace and your strategy, who your competitors are and why you are different, the key members of your management team, the operational aspects of your business and, very importantly, financial information including some sensitivity analysis and risk evaluation. If you are seeking funding, how much would you like to raise and what is your exit strategy?

Fancy some further guidance on this? Come and join one of our interactive and inspiring Business Planning for Success events around the country. You will rush back to the office, keen to put your new found skills into immediate action! And, given my background as a Finance Director, I even talk you through producing the financials in an easy to understand, engaging format.

Call us on 01423 861122 or email us at for further information. Details can be found on our website – simply click and book! Don’t see a date or location you like – please ASK!

I look forward to welcoming you soon.

Author: Mike Smith